A body of Christ, actively engaged to love God and one another


Upcoming Events

Community of believers

At The Upper Room, we seek to build a community of diverse believers who remember God's ways and hopes in God's promises.

a safe space

A community of broken sinners seeking and providing support, understanding, and acceptance. All are welcome.
Come as you are.

Children & youth ministry

We provide a fun and engaging children's program for toddlers to 5th grade as well as a youth and college ministry.

Service Details


10:00 am

youth ministry service

Our 10:00 AM Youth service is led by Pastor Kevin Park and is located on the first floor of the church building. Please follow signs for Youth Group Worship Room.


11:00 am

english ministry service

Our 11:00 AM EM service is led by Pastor Kevin Park and is located on the second floor of the church building. Please follow signs for The Upper Room.

Children’s ministry service

Our 11:00 AM Children’s service is located on the first floor of the church building. Please follow signs for the Children’s Worship Room.


All services are followed by lunch and a time of fellowship


4201 N Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA 30341
Korean Central Presbyterian Church


Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! Please fill out the contact form below and our team will reach out to you as soon as possible!